Saturday, July 18, 2009

Infinite Possilbilities

I was thinking about, once again, quantum mechanics today. In particular, the part that says that reality splits into branches every time we make a choice. Then, there would be infinite levels of reality. That shows that there are infinite possibilities in life. Now, how does this relate to music, you ask? Well, take composing into mind. On a piano, there are 88 notes. You have 10 fingers with which to play any of the 88 notes. There are also many different note rythyms and added schmaltz, like grace notes. And that's just on the piano. Never in the universe will every possible song ever be played. So don't never go and say "Everything's been done" or "Someone else will do it" because it hasn't and they won't. You need to explore because you, as a human being, have an obligation to the rest of your race. That obligation is to discover and create as much as you can so by the time humans are extinct, we can say we got a little closer to the infinite.

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