Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Follow Your Emotions

Recently, while tinkering on the piano, I found two chords. When played in succession, the sound gave me a rush of happiness. I can't even explain why the simple chords made me feel so good, but I knew I had to add them to some composition of mine. When a sound, or anything for that matter, brings up a vast amount of emotion you should stick with it. Those emotions show that you have a natural connection to it, an inherent liking. So few things like that come up in life, so don't ignore them. Follow your emotions to the thing you love the most, and there you will find happiness.


  1. Hello fellow-composer/blogger.

    Not to detract from what you're saying about finding two chords you particularly like and your desire to pursue happiness - but I think you'll find your taste in what two chords you like will change over the years (as will your taste in food - I never used to like broccoli and now I love it).

    Music (and sound) is an odd thing. Part of what we enjoy is based on what we are used to. A child who grows up listening to country music will always tend to resonate more with the more "folk" aspects of music than perhaps someone who grew up listening to jazz or no music at all (sadly there are way too many of those types of people).

    Part of my musical journey is to try and recognize where I have been... and where I haven't. Looking in depth at those places I have not yet traveled and seeing if there is anything to "make me happy." I find a surprising number of new sounds this way and as a result my musical tastes and compositions grow accordingly.

    Best of luck with your work and your quest for happiness.

  2. Hi! Just want to say thanks for visiting my choir blog! I like your musical-infused entries as well.
