Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Worry About Yourself

I know this is not directly related to music, but it involves my piano playing. I, being the only piano playing student in my high school, am asked by teachers to do quite a lot of accompanying and whatnot. However, I'm not able to do all of the stuff they ask of me. This makes me feel bad, but I've come to a conclusion. You can't please everyone. Everyone has their own agenda, and will ask for their needs first. Therefore, you should worry about yourself. Now, take this advice with a grain of salt. I don't want you to be extremely selfish and only care about your own needs, but be prepared to dissapoint people. You have to worry about your life, and not be concerned with making everyone else happy. Be able to say no.

Overall, set your own goals and make your own life. If someone else asks you to do something against your own wishes, politely tell them no, and expect to dissapoint people.


  1. It's so true. No matter what you do, you can't make everyone happy.

  2. I concur - you can only fit one event into a time-slot and some of those slots should be just for you.

  3. I know what yah mean cohen you can't please Holbert and Bradish both at the same time.
