Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rally for Music Class

Something I don't get about the school system is the loose emphasis on the arts. Every math teacher I have talked to has explained that most math is used to teach students critical thinking. Therefore, no matter how much certain students may not like the class, they must take it. Why, then, has music or art not become a major class? The Center for Educator Development in Fine Arts, or CEDFA, has done several studies, all which prove that the fine arts contribute to learning critical thinking and promblem solving. Now, I know they offer music classes as electives, or in the elementary once a week, but this is not enough. You need to get in depth with the theory to get the critical thinking to come into play. Even if students don't actually touch an instrument, the class would do its job just as well as any math class. Therefore, I don't see why the arts are not equal to all other major classes. Ask your superintendent, write your congressman. If you agree with me , let your voice be heard and rally for major music classes.

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